and a business that makes you feel ALIVE

The 12-month small-group program that gives you everything you need to build your brand of full self-expression.

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What is it?

  • A program for conscious entrepreneurs

  • in an intimate group setting with Aleana Kali

  • where we discover and reveal who we were meant to become in this lifetime

  • and we balance dreaming with practicality

  • in a space that keeps us inspired and connected to our missions

  • while staying accountable to real business results.

Aleana Kali

Consultant & Mentor Turned Creator

I've spent 17 years as a marketing professional, including 10 as an independent marketing and business consultant. But at my core, I'm an artist on a mission to free my full self-expression.

I'm here to show you a different side of marketing and business. One that's joyful, meaningful, and expressive. I want to show you that promoting yourself and your work doesn't have to feel forced. That you never need to suppress your truth or settle for anything less than what makes you feel ALIVE.

Where will you be in 1 year?

The results you desire are a direct reflection of your skills + how well you apply them.

That's why this program is all about refining skills and building solid daily habits that make the outcome inevitable.

By the end of this program, you will have mastered the following skills:

  • BRAND-BUILDING: Become a powerful brand-builder for yourself. Stand out with a unique voice, a clear message, and a brand identity that reflects your truth.

  • CONTENT CREATION: Become the best video/content creator you can be. Develop the skills and habits to produce great content consistently, even when life gets busy. Plus, learn how to have fun with the process and unleash your creative genius. YES, you have it.

  • AUDIENCE-BUILDING: Speak so others listen. Attract the right people, those who genuinely value what you offer, without selling your soul for the algorithm.

  • MARKETING & SALES: Let go of any resistance to promoting yourself and your work. Attract buyers in a way that feels good because it's based on genuine value and service. We have ZERO tolerance for pushy, icky, or questionable business tactics.

  • OFFER CREATION: Beyond just creating an offer that sells, you will learn how to package your gifts to craft offers that both you and the buyer are excited about, so you can serve from a high place, and eventually thrive financially while doing what you love.

Plus, you will become someone who operates with more:

  • CLARITY: Become someone who is focused, who is clear on their priorities, and consistently making meaningful progress.

  • PLAYFUL PRODUCTIVITY: Develop the skills and habits to move through resistance, enjoy working on your business, and make flow state a common experience (to access more of your creativity).

  • CONFIDENCE: Forget about surface-level positivity. This is real self-assurance that comes from recognizing your own abilities and strengths, trusting yourself on a deeper level, and rediscovering how powerful you really are.

Our 12 Months Together Start With Our 10-Week Curriculum

10 weeks of lessons + 52 weeks of LIVE 2-hour calls with Aleana Kali.

Each weekly lesson comes with specific action items to make significant progress in your business 

(even if all you have right now  is ±2 hours/day)

Learn at your own pace, then come to our LIVE weekly calls to get direct and personalized mentorship and guidance.

Week 1: Mental Models

Change how you think about promoting yourself and your work

Week 2: Flow Productivity

Implement new habits to move through resistance with the 30/90 method

Week 3: Brand Essence

Define your brand's function, emotional transformation, and its unique gift

Week 4: Audience-Building

Learn the 3 levels of attention and content that build an audience of true fans

Week 5: Content-Creation

Follow a process to expand your creativity and go from "no idea" to "published"

Week 6: Video Sprint

Make fast improvements to your speaking and other communication elements

Week 7: Inner Work

Learn how to change your beliefs and self-image to build solid confidence

Week 8: Offer Creation

Learn how to design, test, and validate exciting offers that sell

Week 9: Offer Communication

Communicate the value of your offers with authenticity and confidence

Week10: Marketing, Advertising, and Sales

Learn the rhythms that attract and convert more consistently, more effortlessly, and in ways that feel good to all


What's included?

No cat in a bag. These are the exact deliverables:

  • Custom Roadmap: You will start with a 1-on-1 onboarding session with Aleana Kali to get clear on your goals.

  • Step-by-Step Guidance: 10 lessons taught by Aleana and followed with specific weekly action items.

  • Mentorship & Accountability: Weekly 2-hour video calls with Aleana for a whole year. Stop by to deepen your learning. Get more direct mentorship, or ask questions about anything that you want support with in your business. (52 recorded calls)

  • Unlimited Support: Between calls, ask questions anytime on the private forum or send them by email.

  • Tools for Leverage : Get complimentary templates, processes, and other resources that save you time and energy.

  • True Community: A truly private and cozy space with Aleana and a small number of conscious creators to stay connected to your vision and supported on your mission.



Client Testimonials 

These results were after only 4 weeks of working together! Updated 6+ months results coming soon!

“Because I didn’t have clarity about my brand, it was hard for me to show up online or make content."

— Heather G.


"This helped step into boldly being me and creating meaningful content. I loved the tools and resources that I can revisit time and time again."

— Jerome C.

“This was a very profound and different way to look at marketing and branding. I learned how to brand, how to market, what is the best way to create content, and how those things can flow if you allow them to.”

— Ambereen H.

“I signed up, I will continue to sign up, and I encourage you to do the same. 

It’s so worth it.”

— Laurina R.