I've handpicked these 4 videos to help guide your next steps in building a brand with your full self-expression.

Your brand's emotional signature

The best brands emit a clear essence - an emotional frequency that permeates everything they do. Discover yours, step by step.

You were never supposed to be boxed.

No niche? No problem. How to explain what you do, who you do it for, and how you do it — in a way that makes sense and feels good.

Make your dream a reality in 12 months

Make the "unrealistic" doable with the 130-Method, a system to create a realistic plan and start moving towards your goal, even if you don't have the clarity or resources you need yet.

The simplest branding guide on the Internet.

Learn the high level 80/20 of building your personal brand and the true meaning of the "know, like, trust" factor (99% of people get it wrong.) If you apply this, you cannot get it wrong. 

Articles & Guides

MARKETING MESSAGING: From Confusion to Clarity.

IGNITE THE FIRE: Rallying around your brand values and story.

BRAND POSITIONING: The easy(-ier) way to create your own.

Want one-on-one, done with you help?

Book a 15-min discovery call