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3 changes you should know about
If you are subscribed to MOJO newsletters or following me on any social media platform, please watch the video or read the following.
1) Change in Business/Messaging Direction:
* I’m shifting focus to talk more about marketing, speak directly to marketers, and referring to entrepreneurs as marketers.
Even if you are not a marketer by trade but you do your own marketing, you are a marketer in my book, and I will refer to you as such.
If you do not love marketing (or at least want to learn how …
MOJO # 108: You are an artist.
You are an artist.
You were an artist before you ever became an entrepreneur.
These two identities are not mutually exclusive, but one does take precedence over the other.
So please don't get your priorities twisted.
Don't take on other people's definitions of success.
Remember that the real reason you started a business was to offer yourself the freedom to be who you really are.
This is the essence of building a brand of full self-expression.
What Lady Gaga taught me about content creation
On Lady Gaga, content creation, and making friends with my mind.