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MOJO # 17: Stop hiding: 5 mindset shifts to stop being afraid of being seen
This topic is very close to me.
It's about visibility and allowing yourself to show up.
For a very long time, I operated behind the scenes.
I was honestly quietly torn.
On the one hand, I knew I wanted to come out of my hiding.
To share my thoughts with people, and let them know how I really felt about things.
But on the other hand, I was deathly afraid of being seen.
So afraid, that I didn't realize I was afraid at all. I just kept making up excuses.
First, I said I hate…
MOJO # 16: What should you call yourself?
If you're still trying to figure out WHAT to call yourself, then today's video is for you.
Don't know what to call yourself? Join the club.
We are so programmed to want to nail our professional title and description. It's like we have to rehearse this and get it perfectly right to describe precisely what it is we do.
Anything less than that is just bad marketing and personal branding, right?
There is a problem though.
That may be easy to do when you are one of a million.
Another coach.
…MOJO # 15: Marketing is not linear
Do you feel like your marketing isn't working, even though you're doing everything right?
I went through this in my own business. Here is what I learned: Marketing is NOT linear.
We like to think that the buyer's journey can be controlled. If we post an ad, we expect to get a return within x time. if we put out a great piece of content, we expect those who found it resonant to reach out and have a conversation.
We try to control both the results of our efforts and the timing of when we …
MOJO # 14: All the iconic brands have this one thing in common
Although Apple has been dissected ad nauseam, most marketers missed this key factor that Steve Jobs shared with other brand visionaries.
If you found this video helpful, consider subscribing to our newsletter, THE SATURDAY MOJO.
We send a video like this every week.
And when you're ready to work with us, take a look at what we offer, and then book a call.
MOJO # 13: Signs you are a business artist
Are you (secretly) a Business Artist?
This week’s video is on what it means to be one, and how you can uncover your own creative genius.
If you found this video helpful, consider subscribing to our newsletter, THE SATURDAY MOJO. We send a video like this every week. And when you're ready to work with us, take a look at our services and then book a call.
If you found this video helpful, consider subscribing to our newsletter, THE SATURDAY MOJO.
We send a video like this every week.
And when…
MOJO # 12: Your brand's "it" factor
This week’s topic is defining your IT factor to build a brand with your FULL self-expression.
If you found this video helpful, consider subscribing to our newsletter, THE SATURDAY MOJO.
We send a video like this every week.
And when you're ready to work with us, take a look at what we offer, and then book a call.
MOJO # 11: Building a brand with your full self-expression
Not just an "authentic" brand.
But one where you UNLEASH all of yourself.
MOJO # 10: (an important announcement) Maybe you don't need to know "how".
First, I have an announcement to make.
1) I am moving away from the usual "How-To" format.
It may not seem like a big deal, but that's what I promised when you signed up to this Newsletter. So I AM breaking a promise. I explain why in today's video.
2) I won't stop doing it entirely.
But I realized that I've been restricting my fullest self-expression, and that defeats everything I teach.
3) Going forward, I'm also going to share what I'm going through in real-time.
As I'm appl…
MOJO # 9: Procrastination: Why you can't motivate yourself to do the work.
Today's topic is: How to motivate yourself when you “can’t even”.
This one is for you if you are:
- Constantly procrastinating
- Lacking energy and motivation
- Dreading even the smallest tasks
If this sounds like you, watch this video, or keep reading to learn how to solve this.
By early 2021, I was DONE.
It was like I woke up one day, and both my body and mind gave out.
Up until that point, I was grinding out and pushing through every day, constantly reminding myself of…
MOJO # 7: Slime-free sales: How to get clients without resorting to sleazy tactics or making people uncomfortable.
I’m going to share with you two real-life examples and my perspective as the buyer.
I will explain why I bought from one person, but not another.
You can watch this video here, or keep reading.